--> -->
<class 'sqlite3.OperationalError'>
Python 2.7.18: /usr/bin/python2
Tue May 21 03:08:50 2024

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

 /var/www/html/coptic-dictionary/results.cgi in <module>()
    463                 elif related == "true":
    464                         if not "window.location" in results_page:  # No need to retrieve related if we are redirecting due to a unique entry being found
=>  465                                 results_page += retrieve_related(word)
results_page = '<div class="content">\nYou searched for \'<span s...e id="results" class="entrylist"></table>\n</div>\n', retrieve_related = <function retrieve_related>, word = u'\u2c99['
 /var/www/html/coptic-dictionary/results.cgi in retrieve_related(word=u'\u2c99[')
     78         with con:
     79                 cur = con.cursor()
=>   80                 cur.execute(sql_command, parameters)
     81                 rows = cur.fetchall()
cur = <sqlite3.Cursor object>, cur.execute = <built-in method execute of sqlite3.Cursor object>, sql_command = 'SELECT * FROM entries WHERE entries.etym REGEXP ? ORDER BY ascii', parameters = [u'.*cf\\. #\u2c99[#.*']

<class 'sqlite3.OperationalError'>: user-defined function raised exception
      args = ('user-defined function raised exception',)
      message = 'user-defined function raised exception'